Monthly Archives: February 2014

Week #7 Public Policy Implementation

The implementation of a public policy is not accomplished in one single day, rather the implementation phase is complex and often requires the assistance of additional policies to ensure proper implementation (Longest, 2010). Within the discussion of the implementation phase … Continue reading

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Week # 6 Public Sector Influence

With the growing awareness of the prevalence of health disparities among underserved populations such as the elderly and persons with disabilities, President Johnson successfully signed into law the Medicare and Medicaid programs in the summer of 1965 (Centers for Medicare … Continue reading

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Week #5 Statutory and Regulatory Mechanisms

In week three we discussed the basics of the policy-making process. However, this week we will expand upon the policy-making process further by discussing how statutory and regulatory mechanisms function within the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) healthcare … Continue reading

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Week #4 Historical and Contemporary Roles

Historically, the citizens of the United States of America have prided themselves on their freedom and the ability to have their voices heard. President Abraham Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address that the United States of America would have a … Continue reading

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Week #3 The Basics of Policy-Making

This week in health policy blogging we will be focusing on the basics of policy-making and how it applies to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reimbursement for skin grafting therapy. Additionally, we will be evaluating the premise … Continue reading

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